Boas, K., Nilsson, H. B., Jørgensen, A. K., Sørensen, S. H., & Rasmussen, S. H. (2024). Language Works 9(2): Editorial . Journal of Language Works – Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift, 9(2), 2.
Jørgensen, A. K. (2016, Mar). SPEAKING (OF) GENDER: A sociolinguistic exploration of voice and transgender identity. Master’s Thesis.
You can download it through ResearchGate here:
SPEAKING (OF) GENDER: A sociolinguistic exploration of voice and transgender identity.

Jørgensen, A. K. (2024). Akkommodation i jysk regionalsprog. Abstract from 20. MUDS – Møderne om Udforskningen af Dansk Sprog, Aarhus, Denmark.
Jørgensen, A. K. (2024). Markers of regionality? On the stylistic sensitivity of non-standard forms. Abstract from International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, Wien, Austria.
Positions of trust
2023-present: Member of the editorial team at Journal of Language Works.
2022-23: Vice chair of the PhD council, Faculty of Humanties, University of Copenhagen.
Jørgensen, A. K. (2024). Forskerinterview: Det talte sprog. Dansknoter, 2024(2), 48-49.